So my friend recently sent a group text to some of my girlfriends and was super excited about this "procedure" she had done. We all thought she looked great and it was worth the expense. She had her eyelashes permed and tinted. I've had my eyelashes tinted before and I was happy with the results but I've never heard of perming your eyelashes. When I think of "perming" I can only think of that gosh-awful smell that lines the walls of your nose and you can't ever seem to get it out. The one you remember from your childhood of your grandma perming your hair because it seemed like a good idea to have waves right? Oh no that was only me? Ok great. That was the start of many bad choices for Ashley's hair.
Anyway, I am getting ready to go on vacation and being a natural blonde, I have naturally blonde eyelashes and when I do not have mascara on I often get asked if I'm ill or tired- because apparently blonde eyelashes=sick and tired. So I thought this sounded like perfect timing and I should try it too!
Now, I used to have tiny, baby lashes in addition to being blonde. Thanks to Rodan and Fields and their product LashBoost, I now have gorgeous eyelashes and even the eyelash technician said the procedure went so well because I have such long lashes. Seriously, the product is amazing and game changing for your eyelashes. I never had any issues with the irritation or discoloring or any other bad rumors you've heard but, like everything else, everyone is different. For me, the success has been dramatic and I have used the product for 2 years now and still love what it has done!
So I made an appointment at Litwin Cosmetics, here in town, and was pleasantly surprised it was located in the same place I had gone years and years ago for my first lash tint. It's a different company now but the same location. The technician was Lauren and she was really friendly and quite young. I was a little nervous at first but she made me feel really comfortable. Then the process began. It's difficult to describe the next 30 minutes but they basically took my eyelashes and pushed them back where there was a plastic liner stuck against my eyelid. Then, they proceeded to put on the perm, ugh the horrid perm smell was yet again stuck in my nose, and then the tinting. The process burned a little in my eyes but I would equate it to if you've ever used liquid eyeliner and accidentally got a little in your eye. Not awful but not comfortable. Then as soon as it was all over I could feel my eyelashes were curled. YAY! They looked awesome and so long!

It's been two days since I had the procedure done and I am still so happy with the results! They still look like I have mascara on and are curled perfectly. I followed the instructions and have not yet allowed my eyelashes to get wet, which means I've been showering with goggles on. My husband officially thinks I'm insane. The things we do for beauty!

Now some people will think I'm crazy, which is understandable, but I'm really working on my positive self-talk for 2019. It's one of my goals for the year. I'm now in the mindset that if it makes me feel better about myself, then it's worth it. Working out, eating healthy and taking care of my body and skin are all things that make me feel like I'm taking care of the temple God created. So if it makes you happy and feel better about yourself, then I'm on board. Do something for you today to make you feel good about yourself! You deserve it!