This week the world watched the Oscar’s and saw what could arguably be one of the most romantic moments in Oscar history. There was nothing outlandish about the moment; no huge dance productions or fireworks shows or grand orchestra performances. There was just a man, a woman and a piano. Oh, and that unforgettable Tiffany diamond necklace deemed priceless and only other worn by Audrey Hepburn. There was that. However, what made it incredibly romantic and had the world going mad over the possibilities, was the idea of a man, a very handsome man, gazing into a woman’s eyes like she was the only woman on earth while singing in perfect harmony. The idea that one woman can be so captivating that a man is fixated on her every breath. That a simple love song can be sung with such passion and such fire but no one even kissed. It wasn’t necessary. The slowly calculated movements where he just couldn’t wait until the song was over to come sit near her and the eye contact that never quit that made you blush through your tv was enough.
But it was acting, or was it? People literally blew up the internet after it was over to speculate on Hollywood’s newest possible romance. Everyone wanted to believe that the way Bradley Cooper gazed into Lady Gaga’s eyes just HAD to mean they were in love. It couldn’t just be acting when it looks so real right? Why do we want to believe so badly that this is more than just acting? What do we care? It’s not like any of us are FRIENDS with these people and Bradley Cooper who has a girlfriend who was just lucky enough to get a front-row seat to the love show involving her boyfriend and another woman. Why would we encourage home-wrecking behavior all for the possibility of love based on an actors portrayal of a love song? What is wrong with humanity?!
Well, I think there’s nothing wrong with any of us necessarily but more that we are internally programmed to hunt for love. It’s an instinctual and biological desire for people to seek and obsess over love. Remember the movie Moulin Rouge? “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” All any of us want in life is to find the one we love and be loved by them. We just want people to love us and help others find their love. We obsess over the idea of what love is. Is it physical? Is it emotional connections? Is it sacrifices? Is it predestined? Are soul mates really a thing?
According to the National Retail Foundation the average American spent almost $162 on Valentine’s Day this year. That’s $162 spent on a Holiday celebrating their idea of love. The same organization stated that American’s spend not even $90 on Halloween, if they celebrate it. That’s just crazy to me! Halloween with all the costumes, candy, yard and home decorations and still it’s almost half the amount of money people are willing to spend on a Holiday celebrating love. We are that enthralled by the potential for romance and love that we are willing to put our money where our mouths are. And why? To celebrate love on a day when we are obligated too otherwise our significant other might feel less-than? Forced love is the sweetest right? Ha! That was my attempt at internet sarcasm.
Did you also know the highest grossing movie of all time according to the internet is Gone With The Wind? A classic movie known for symbolizing romance. Think about that for a second. Thanks to technology advances we can now access movies almost anywhere at any time. That movie debuted in 1939 when going to the movies wasn’t something just anyone, anywhere could do or afford. For that movie to be the highest grossing movie of all time above Titanic, yet another romance defining movie, that says something about the obsession and length people were willing to go to for love.

Photo courtesy of USA Today
Are Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga secretly in love? Will they ever be together? We might never know especially considering it’s none of our business. But it’s one more example of looking for hope in each other. Hope for love and hope for that handsome man of your dreams to stare longingly and desperately into your eyes and make you feel like you’re the most special woman in the world. I’m one of the lucky women who found their Prince Charming, or in this case their Bradley Cooper. However he doesn’t always stare at me with those lustfull eyes. Sometimes he looks at me like I’m crazy or I’m saying something that doesn’t make any sense at all. He still loves me though and I’ll take real-life romance over tv acting any day!
P. s. If you missed this magical moment in time then you can watch it again here: